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Another New Blitz Trailer Starring Jason Statham

Another Jason Statham action film? Why yes, of course! The man cranks (no pun intended) out films like none other and his next testosterone fuelled flick will be Blitz. Directed by Elliott Lester and written by Moon scribe Nathan Parker, the film is aiming for an August 23rd release date, on Blu-Ray that is. That's right, it's not even hitting theatres in the U.S., and I'm not sure why.

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Another Jason Statham action film? Why yes, of course! The man cranks (no pun intended) out films like none other and his next testosterone fuelled flick will be Blitz. Directed by Elliott Lester and written by Moon scribe Nathan Parker, the film is aiming for an August 23rd release date, on Blu-Ray that is. That’s right, it’s not even hitting theatres in the U.S., and I’m not sure why.

It doesn’t look fantastic or anything but it could turn out to be a fun ride, especially with Statham in the lead. His films always manage to entertain, despite the fact that he plays the same character each time. This time around, in a role that is no stretch, he plays Brant, a tough cop with questionable ethics. His latest assignment is to hunt down a crazed serial killer who is targeting other cops.

Expect mindless action, exciting hand to hand combat, high octane stunts and some badass behaviour from everyone’s favorite action star, Jason Statham. Really, the film’s tagline says it all: “It’s cop killer versus killer cop.” If that’s something that excites you, then check out the Blitz trailer below.