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Bold accusations that one of the greatest franchises of all-time hasn’t held up threatens to incite a riot

There are some bad takes floating around out there, but this is a doozy.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
via Lucasfilm

Trying to compile a list of the franchises that can inarguably be deemed among the greatest of all-time is a tough task, but you’d be out of your mind if Indiana Jones wasn’t at the very least under serious consideration.

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As easy as it is to single out Kingdom of the Crystal Skull – and rightly so, given the unsavory reputation the fourth installment has cultivated over the years – it still isn’t anywhere near bad enough to taint its illustrious predecessors by comparisons. Sure, Temple of Doom is the weakest of the three, but it’s still a great movie.

Raiders of the Lost Ark is one of the most enduringly beloved big budget adventures that’s ever been made, but there’s still a well-founded school of thought that The Last Crusade might be better. That’s like trying to pick a favorite child for a lot of fans, though, so maybe we can all just agree that they’re both awesome. Or can we?

It’s the cool thing to rag on something so many people hold dear to their hearts on the internet, but accusations made on Reddit that the first four Indiana Jones flick haven’t held up well under the passage of time has been met with a largely incredulous response, especially when Crystal Skull is the one that gets singled out for particular praise.

Raiders is as great now as it was 40 years ago, and the same will be true in another four decades. Trying to denounce the entirety of an all-time classic saga takes some stones even in an online forum, but it’s heartening to know that such dumbfoundingly spicy takes are being shot down in a ball of flames.