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The Boondock Saints 3: Legion Plot Details Revealed

Ten years after The Boondock Saints was released, a sequel to the cult classic hit theaters. Despite that sequel not being received nearly as well as the original, director Troy Duffy decided to press on and make a third film, and he's got dedicated fans pretty excited about the possibilities. Today, during a Facebook Q & A, Duffy revealed not only the new film's title, but some details about the plot of The Boondock Saints 3: Legion.

Boondock Saints

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Ten years after The Boondock Saints was released, a sequel to the cult classic hit theaters. Despite that sequel not being received nearly as well as the original, director Troy Duffy decided to press on and make a third film, and he’s got dedicated fans pretty excited about the possibilities. Today, during a Facebook Q & A, Duffy revealed not only the new film’s title, but also some details about the plot of The Boondock Saints 3: Legion.

Basically, Legion is going to involve the legions of followers who have copied the lead of the Saints. Clever, eh? Also, the film picks up with the boys behind bars, just like they were when the second film ended. It will also look into their past, going all the way back to the very first crime they committed.

I actually really enjoyed The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day. While it wasn’t nearly as good as the original, there are a lot of high points and it’s a really fun movie. I feel that it got unfairly bashed due to some hefty expectations. Now that fans have seen these sequels aren’t going to replicate the original film, hopefully number three will get a better response. Then again, it’d be even better if Legion finds a way to surpass both its predecessors, meaning that expectations are surpassed all around.

Duffy said that the major delay between the second and third films is his fault, as he’s been taking his time with it to make sure it’s done right. I’m sure that’s a sentiment all fans can get behind, even though there’s no news how much longer it could take.

Neither a estimated release date or a goal for starting filming were revealed by Duffy, but be sure to check back in with us, as we’ll bring you any and all news on The Boondock Saints 3: Legion as it arises.