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Bryan Singer Teases Big X-Men: Apocalypse Moment And Running Time

Despite the fact that the trailer for X-Men: Apocalypse leaked following this year's San Diego Comic-Con, 20th Century Fox has yet to release an official look at the movie (despite rumours that the first preview would be attached to The Martian). Now, based on recent comments from director Bryan Singer, it appears like we'll have even longer to wait than expected!


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Despite the fact that the trailer for X-Men: Apocalypse leaked online following this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, 20th Century Fox has yet to release an official look at the movie (despite rumours that the first preview would be attached to The Martian). Now, based on recent comments from director Bryan Singer, it appears like we’ll have even longer to wait than expected.

“I think it’s gonna be a longer X-Men movie. The X-Men movies, I usually I keep under two hours, but this one I may actually let be a longer movie because it’s sort of a wrap-up of six movies. There’s even an homage at the end. There’s a scene – it’s gonna get spoiled because that decided to use it in the trailer which comes out, like six months, but it’s a really cool trailer – but the [homage] is kind of a wrap up of six movies. So, it might run a little bit long, but it’s not boring.”

Of course, Singer could be talking about the first full-length theatrical trailer, so there’s no doubt a chance we’ll see a teaser online before the end of the year.

That’s not the only interesting thing that was revealed by the filmmaker here, though; X-Men: Apocalypse is obviously going to be a fair bit longer that the previous X-Men movies, while the scene Singer refers to sounds like it will make fans very happy (it’s just a shame that the studio plans on ruining it in the trailer).

What that homage could be is hard to say, but chances are that it will be some sort of connection to the very first X-Men movie and quite likely a nod to the mutants who made up the team when we first met them.

Further in the interview, Singer went on to praise the cast of Apocalypse, highlighting three of his leads:

“[Michael Fassbender], James McAvoy, and my villain Oscar Issac are among the three greatest living actors in cinema, in their age category by far. They will not be lauded, or rewarded, because they’re in an X-Men movie and comic book movies just don’t get that kind of shit. But they deliver some extraordinary performances particularly in X-Men: Apocalypse. The movie is very emotional. I love the pathos of the characters and their relationships.”

While a trailer is obviously still quite far away then, it’s hard not to be excited about what’s to come in X-Men: Apocalypse after reading comments like these.

Singer is set to move on to 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea next and Fox currently doesn’t have any Marvel movies scheduled for 2018, so what’s in store for the mutants after Apocalypse is up in the air. If there’s one thing that’s for certain though, it’s that we know they’ll be back before long.