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‘But maybe I’m making it all up’: ‘Suicide Squad’ director continues engaging the trolls against better judgement

Stop teasing us and release the Ayer Cut!

jared leto joker suicide squad
Photos via Warner Bros.

It’s been seven years since Suicide Squad hit theaters, but director David Ayer refuses to let the movie be forgotten. On social media he consistently cheerleads his version of the movie before interfering Warner Bros. executives denied him the final cut, substantially altered several character arcs, and left a huge amount of material on the cutting room floor.

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Now, in a somewhat snippy exchange with some fans, he’s been accused of “making things up.” In response to a tweet wondering why one particular Joker scene was radically altered, Ayer replied that the “reshoot changed scene drastically”. @AviSipsTea commented: “This is one of those times where it might be worth elaborating so we know if you’re not just making things up”. Oof.

Suicide Squad post
Image via X (formerly Twitter)

As one subsequent reply put it: “Imagine thinking you know more about a movie than the guy who WROTE AND DIRECTED THE MOVIE!!”. Quite.

Naturally, none of this gives us any new indication of whether we’re ever going to see the fabled Ayer Cut. As per the filmmaker, his version is essentially complete and only requires some minor musical work to bring it up to release standard, though Warner Bros. seems uninterested in ever releasing it. There has recently been speculation that Gunn was open to the idea, but Ayer quickly confirmed “Silly rumor. Not True.

We’re fairly sure that one day Ayer’s Suicide Squad will be released, though we may be waiting some time. Then again, with the Hollywood strikes soon resulting in a content drought, perhaps it’s time to put the finishing touches to Suicide Squad and get it up on Max?