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Cable And Domino’s Casting In Deadpool 2 Will Blow Our Minds

All's gone quiet in regards to Deadpool 2 ever since the sequel snagged David Leitch to direct. We imagine that 20th Century Fox is now deep into the casting process and the two roles that everyone's waiting for news on are, of course, Cable and Domino. Many actors and actresses have been linked to the parts over the past few months, but so far, the studio has kept quiet, not even releasing so much as a shortlist to let us know who may be in contention.

All’s gone quiet in regards to Deadpool 2 ever since the sequel snagged David Leitch to direct. We imagine that 20th Century Fox is now deep into the casting process and the two roles that everyone’s waiting for news on are, of course, Cable and Domino. Many actors and actresses have been linked to the parts over the past few months, but so far, the studio has kept quiet, not even releasing so much as a shortlist to let us know who may be in contention.

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Last week, it was reported that Pierce Brosnan was the top choice for the former, though without anything from Fox, we’re still left wondering if there’s any truth to that. One person who seems to know all though is Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld, who recently teased that fans are going to go nuts when they see who’s been chosen to play the two characters in question.

“The fact that they’re putting Cable and Domino on the film is going to expand the Deadpool universe in a way that the fans absolutely expect. They want it to go. They want those characters interacting with Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool. The casting of Cable and Domino is going to blow people’s minds.”

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Further on in his extensive interview with Splash Report, Liefeld continued to fuel the hype train, saying that the new additions will make “people’s heads explode.”

“Again, I cannot underscore, they share [Deadpool’s] popularity. Cable and Deadpool were born of a franchise that remains the number two best selling comic of all time. I’m going to tell you why I say that with such confidence now. […] I’m just telling you when they see him on screen alongside Deadpool and they see Domino, people’s heads are going to explode. These are gigantic characters in the Marvel catalog.”

Sure, the Deadpool creator may be going a bit overboard here, but we’ve got no reason to doubt him. This is one franchise that’s positively awesome in every single way. The casting in the first film was spot on and we’re fully confident that they’ll nail it again in the sequel, no matter who ends up playing Domino, Cable or any of the other new characters. When we’ll eventually find out who’s been chosen is another matter entirely, but all signs are pointing to Brosnan for the time-travelling mutant, so it’s really just Domino we’re waiting on now.

As soon as something emerges on that front, we’ll be sure to let you know. Until then, however, feel free to take to the comments section down below and let us know who you’d like to see star alongside Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool 2!