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Can Lucasfilm Make Star Wars As Provocative As Game Of Thrones?

With the Game of Thrones directors set to write and produce the next Star Wars trilogy, will the saga be darker, edgier and sexier than ever before?

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So, the big question is, when will this trilogy take place in the Star Wars chronology? The logical period would be during The Old Republic, thousands of years before the original films and in a medieval setting similar to Thrones. That won’t mean that every character has to have a British accent or talk in middle earth dialect, though. After all, a thousand years ago in the Star Wars galaxy could still be in the future.

When the story takes place doesn’t totally matter, however, it just has to get far away from the movies that came before it. Far away from the wholesome heroes and the faceless villains. Far away from the Death Stars that just get easier to blow up each time. And like Game of Thrones for the last six seasons, a lot closer to the Dark Side. Where the unexpected, the sinister and the crazy can happen. Sexy stuff.

One of the key advantages in the new films is that nostalgia won’t be a factor as it was in both the Prequels and the Sequel Trilogy. There’s no Luke or Leia. No Clone War or rebellion. No R2-D2 or C-3PO. The opening crawl and “a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away” will almost certainly still pop up, but for the first time since 1977, no one will know what to expect afterwards. Weiss and Benioff are creating a saga of their own. One for the current generation that grew up with iPhones and find Episode IV boring.

That doesn’t mean they can’t find inspiration in any of the older films. After all, Daenys Targaryen was the queen George Lucas tried to bring to life in the prequels and failed in every way imaginable.

Finn and Rey in Star Wars The Last Jedi

The biggest challenge they face though will be getting Star Wars to be taken more seriously. After nearly 40 years, Empire is still the most mature film in both style and tone. Rogue One comes close with its high body count, urban decay and grizzled rebel terrorists, but is without the character exploration and mythical energy that made Empire so somber and brooding.

It’s the kind of fantasy viewing science fiction fans have coveted, waited for, and will now be expecting. Given the similarities between the glacial world of Hoth and the frozen lands beyond The Wall of the Seven Kingdoms, it all points to one thing that now lies ahead.

Winter is coming for Star Wars.