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Captain America 3 Set To Cause Waves In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Captain America: The Winter Soldier surfaced as one of the biggest blockbusters of 2014. Comic giants Marvel enlisted fresh blood in the form of directors Joe and Anthony Russo, who knocked the sequel out of the park. As newbies to the six-year-strong cinematic universe, they had to not only contend with crafting a worthy follow-up to the original movie, but slot it into the mythology of Marvel's entire movie back catalogue. They absolutely killed it. The stakes were undoubtedly raised for Steve Rogers. Poor old Cap had to adjust to modern life and the realisation that he'd bypassed those he cared about - namely, his lady love, Peggy Carter. Then came the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D. Just what else can we expect to happen in the follow-up, Captain America 3?


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Captain America: The Winter Soldier surfaced as one of the biggest blockbusters of 2014. Comic giants Marvel enlisted fresh blood in the form of directors Joe and Anthony Russo, who knocked the sequel out of the park.  As newbies to the six-year-strong cinematic universe, they had to not only contend with crafting a worthy follow-up to the original movie, but slot it into the mythology of Marvel’s entire movie back catalogue.

Thankfully they absolutely killed it. The stakes were undoubtedly raised for Steve Rogers as poor old Cap had to adjust to modern life and the realization that he’d bypassed those he cared about – namely, his lady love, Peggy Carter. Then came the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D. So just what else can we expect to happen in the follow-up, Captain America 3?

In an interview with Crave, the filmmaking talent behind the upcoming movie revealed that they’ve been hard at work on the project since February. Tuckered out from a lengthy pre-production process, they said:

“We’ve been working on Captain America 3 since February. We’re exhausted. So we’re hard at work on it and hopefully we’re going to announce [a title] soon and hopefully people are going to be excited as hell when they hear what we’re up to.”

A title, eh? That’s just the tip of the lettuce. In true Marvel fashion, the brothers hinted that the most exciting reveals to come in the near future are all down to one man: Kevin Feige. The creative multihyphenate, Feige’s name is never far from a rumour or an exclusive. In this instance, it’s Marvel’s president who’s been the most instrumental in coming up with a title:

“If you’ve been talking to Kevin [Feige, President of Marvel Studios] the title has been in place probably for ten years in his brain. It’s all part of the road map that he’s laid out, and it’s all part of the bigger plan.”

This comes as no surprise, especially as this is the guy who kept a lid on all things Thanos while the web went berserk with frenzied rumours. Many of which have concerned the potential plot direction for the third instalment. Following on from the fall of Hydra in The Winter Soldier – apparently there’s gonna be even more hanging in the balance:

“The big thing we knew we had to deal with in Cap 2 was the fall of Hydra. Similarly there is a very, very big idea at the center of Cap 3. But how we get there is all up to us. And I think why Marvel has been so successful is because it’s been such a clear plan, that everything is interconnected and they’re building emotional capital with each movie that you can then trade off of in the next film.”

Well, the Russos might not want to divulge specifics, but they’re still confident in the writing:

Yeah, we have an outstanding draft. We were lucky enough to work again with Markus and McFeely. They’re the best in the business at what they do. They have a really sensitive understanding of character and story, but also brains that really wrap themselves around the high concepts, big superhero concepts. We just got a draft in our hands that we’re ecstatic with.

The brothers have certainly piqued our interests with this interview. Could the big change be The Falcon taking over for Cap? Who knows at this point, as throughout the remainder of the interview the pair chuckled over the security restraints in place preventing them from denying or confirming any additional rumours. Whatever happens though, it sounds like it’s going to be epic.

Captain America 3: Unknown Subtitle will hit theatres on May 6th, 2016.