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‘Captain America: New World Order’ reveals a WWE superstar is playing Sam Wilson’s new nemesis

Sam is gonna get slammed.

Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson (Falcon/Captain America) in 'The Falcon and the Winter Soldier'.
Image via Disney Plus

Anthony Mackie’s Sam Wilson has got his work cut out for him in his first cinematic solo outing as the MCU’s very own Sentinel of Liberty. Captain America: New World Order — or whatever it ends up being titled — will already see the former Falcon going up against Harrison Ford’s President Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross, but it looks like he might be challenged on a physical level as well by another surprising newcomer to the Marvel universe.

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As revealed in brand-new set photos shared by photographer Christopher Oquendo, snapped as production continues in Atlanta, Georgia, WWE superstar Seth Rollins is officially on board the film. While this hasn’t been officially confirmed, the evidence of our own eyes makes it obvious as Rollins was captured on set while dressed in a sinister-looking black costume with gold detailing.

In the wake of this unexpected announcement, rumors are pointing to Rollins playing an unknown member of the Serpent Society, the snake-themed league of supervillains that have been linked to the movie’s plot for a few months now. A female take on Luke Cage foe Diamondback is believed to be among their number.


This makes Rollins the latest WWE veteran to switch the ring for a part in a superhero movie, after the MCU’s own Dave Bautista and DC guys Dwayne Johnson and John Cena. What’s more, Cap 4 marks Rollins’ — real name: Colby Lopez — first acting credit. Joining the Marvel universe is none too shabby a way to start his career.

Also featuring Incredible Hulk alums Liv Tyler and Tim Blake Nelson, Shira Haas as controversial new heroine Sabra, and — we hope — Sebastian Stan’s Bucky Barnes, Captain America: New World Order hits theaters on May 3, 2024.