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New Character Poster For Django Unchained Features Christoph Waltz

Christoph Waltz made a huge splash in his first film with Quentin Tarantino, Inglourious Basterds, so his second appearance under Tarantino's guidance has been very highly anticipated. Audiences will get to see just that this Christmas with Django Unchained, where Waltz plays Dr. King Schultz.

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Christoph Waltz made a huge splash in his first film with Quentin Tarantino, Inglourious Basterds, so his second appearance under Tarantino’s guidance has been very highly anticipated. Audiences will get to see just that this Christmas with Django Unchained, where Waltz plays Dr. King Schultz.

Today, Empire has debuted the first character poster for the film, featuring Waltz staring intently into the camera as he cocks his revolver.

Schultz is the liberal German bounty hunter who frees Django (Jamie Foxx) and agrees to help him liberate his wife in exchange for Django’s help in hunting down the vicious Brittle Brothers. In the minimal footage we’ve seen so far, Waltz has been outstanding, so hopefully that holds true for the whole film and his performance lives up to the high expectations.

The Weinstein Co. released series of pretty awesome character posters for Inglourious Basterdsso it’s safe to assume that this poster will be the first of many, likely including Foxx and Leonardo DiCaprio, in addition to a few other stars. I can’t wait to see the next one they release.

Django Unchained hits theaters Christmas day. If you’ve yet to see it, be sure to check out the most recent trailer.

What’d you think of this new poster? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.