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Chris Hemsworth And Tom Hiddleston Talk Thor: Ragnarok

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has so many moving parts that it can be difficult to stay up to date on each individual project, but one that's been particularly interesting to keep an eye on throughout development has been Thor: Ragnarok.

Thor and Hulk

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The Marvel Cinematic Universe has so many moving parts that it can be difficult to stay up to date on each individual project, but one that’s been particularly interesting to keep an eye on throughout development has been Thor: Ragnarok.

From the second What We Do in the Shadows helmer Taika Waititi secured the directing gig, it was generally understood that this was going to be an interesting Marvel outing – the director is known best for his comedy, which stands in stark contrast to Thor: The Dark World, widely seen as one of the most grim MCU entries.


And now, at Wizard World Philadelphia, stars Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston have indicated as much, chatting about the humor on display in the pic as well as the possibility of a much-anticipated reunion between Hiddleston’s Loki and Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk (whose role in the pic is sizable).

Discussing the tone, Hemsworth said:

“Man, it is a lot of fun. I think tonally it’s a big shift in a great way, more than anything we’ve seen before. Taika Waititi, the director, if you know any of his work, yeah, he’s just an incredible sort of comedic talent. [There’s] a lot of heart in everything he does, but it’s a very different Thor, it’s a different Loki. We go off on another world that we haven’t experienced before. It’s fun you know, but that’s me skirting around the issue because I can’t say too much.”

At another point during the discussion, Hiddleston teased his next encounter with the Hulk, who famously wiped the floor with him in The Avengers:

Lets not forget that it’s no secret that the Hulk shows up in Ragnarok and the last time Loki and Hulk were in the same room didn’t go very well for Loki so, he’s got a few chips on his shoulder, but yeah, it’s fun, you’ll see!”

That’s admittedly not much to go on, but it’s understandable why Hemsworth and Hiddleston are being tight-lipped about the pic. At this stage, the film is over a year away, and there’s really no reason to tease out details for a good few months now.

Thor: Ragnarok opens November 3, 2017.