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A Comprehensive Guide To The Marvel Cinematic Universe

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is nothing short of amazing. Over the course of 8 films, 9 if you count next week's Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Marvel has weaved together an intricate universe of characters, stories, events and history, on both film and television. The incredible thing about it all is that it works. So much could have gone wrong but somehow, someway, it all flows together seamlessly to create a universe that's incredibly pleasing for both fans, and non-fans, of these famous comic book characters.

13) Thor And Loki Fight, Loki Is Presumably Lost In Space – Thor

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Returning to Asgard, Thor finds Loki in their father’s chamber, having slain the Frost Giant Laufey to defend the sleeping Odin. As he confronts him about his lies, manipulations and dastardly plans, Loki attacks him and an epic battle between the brothers ensues.

Thor – once the hot-headed, instinctive warrior – reveals himself to have become a more moderate, wiser leader, having matured during his exile and while falling in love with Jane Foster. When Loki threatens to “pay her a visit,” however, Thor becomes enraged and engages in the fight with Loki. He continues to stop short of slaying him, though, feeling their sibling bond too strongly.

As Loki reveals his final intention of exterminating the entire race of Frost Giants using the awesome power of the bifrost, Thor makes the decision to destroy it – and with it any chance of seeing his beloved Jane again – in order to prevent the genocide. Loki moves to strike a fatal blow, but the bifrost shatters, knocking them both over the edge, under which swirls the abyss of space. Odin appears with his staff, allowing both his sons to grab it. However, the disturbed Loki lets go, and tumbles into space.

14) The Hulk And Abomination Brawl Around New York City – The Incredible Hulk


In his determination to capture The Hulk, General Ross recruits Russian-born Royal Marine Emil Blonsky to his cause and they track Bruce Banner to New York City, where he is meeting with cellular biologist Dr Samuel Sterns (AKA Mr Blue). Sterns claims to have discovered a possible antidote to the Hulk condition, but also states that he has replicated Banner’s blood samples with a view to using them and their “limitless power.” Banner finds this deeply disturbing and tries to dissuade Sterns from any such action.

General Ross and Blonsky arrive and take Banner and Betty Ross into custody, transporting them in a helicopter. Blonsky stays behind, however, and forces Sterns to inject him with Banner’s blood. Sterns warns him that, having previously been injected with a small amount of the Super Soldier Serum by Ross, the addition of Banner’s Hulk blood to the mix may result in him becoming “an abomination.” Blonsky, keen on the power, demands he continue.

Blonsky transforms into a creature with size and strength beyond that of The Hulk, but with the same anger and without the ability to return to a normal state. He then proceeds to rampage through Harlem.

Needing the assistance of The Hulk now, Ross releases Banner to transform into The Hulk and stop The Abomination. After a brutal battle through New York, The Hulk subdues The Abomination with a chain around his neck, and sets about killing him. Betty Ross stops him with moments to spare though, soothing The Hulk with a moment of peace and calm, after which, he flees the city.

15) Captain America Is Found In The Arctic And Revived – Captain America: The First Avenger


Steve Rodgers would lay preserved in the ice of the Arctic for sixty-six years before being found by a S.H.I.E.L.D. team headed by Nick Fury. Along with his shield, Steve was defrosted and moved to modern day New York City where a simulated 1942 environment was created to ease Captain America into the present day.

It didn’t work though. Steve awoke at a later point in this simulated environment but quickly saw through the fabrication (thanks to a baseball game playing on the radio that he had actually been at) and fled onto the streets of Manhattan where, in Times Square, he struggles to come to terms with this new world.

Nick Fury explains to Cap that he’s been asleep for nearly seventy years and asks for his help with a certain upcoming mission. At his new apartment, Steve looks through files of his old friends (even finding a number for Peggy Carter, though he doesn’t call) and recalls the many successes and failures of his World War II career. It’s at this point in the timeline that Nick Fury officially signs Steve up to the Avengers Initiative, giving the newly formed team its all-important leader.

16) Loki Steals Tesseract, Fury Assembles The Avengers – The Avengers


After being introduced in Captain America: The First Avenger, the Tesseract is revealed to be in possession of S.H.I.E.L.D. Loki, after falling through the wormhole in Thor, makes a pact with The Other, the leader of an extraterrestrial race known as the Chitauri, to invade Earth and steal the Tesseract. He storms the S.H.I.E.L.D. research facility, enslaves Hawkeye and several other agents with his staff, and manages to escape with the much sought-after item.

Nick Fury, knowing the consequences of such a threat, reactivates the Avengers Initiative and sends Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, to recruit Bruce Banner. After a tense conversation, Banner agrees to join. Phil Coulson retrieves Tony Stark and Nick Fury enlists Steve Rogers, who immediately confronts Loki and manage to subdue him until Thor arrives. The god of thunder then proceeds to fight Stark and Rogers until they all agree to bring Loki back to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier.