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We Got This Covered’s Top 10 Movies Of 2013

Gravity Bullock and Clooney working together

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Here at We Got This Covered, we’ve seen a lot of movies this past year. Looking back on 2013, there have been hits and misses, surprises and disappointments, films that played it safe and films that astounded us in their willingness to test cinematic boundaries, and just about everything in between.

On this list, you’ll find films that made us laugh, made us cry, caused our hearts to soar, dazzled us with endless ambition and ultimately reaffirmed our belief in the transformative power of movies.

Our hope in assembling this list is that you, the reader, will enjoy reading about our picks, contribute your own top ten list, seek out the films that you missed, discover the ones that passed you by and perhaps gain a greater picture of what the cinematic year looked like as a whole.

Happy reading, and best wishes for the new year from all of us here at We Got This Covered.