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Darren Aronofsky Talks About The Complex Effects In Noah

Though it's set to release this Spring, Darren Aronofsky's Biblical epic Noah is being kept tightly under wraps. We really haven't seen a whole lot from the film but with its March 28th release date quickly approaching, it looks like the director is finally starting to speak about what he has planned for us.


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Though it’s set to release this Spring, Darren Aronofsky’s Biblical epic Noah is being kept tightly under wraps. We really haven’t seen a whole lot from the film but with its March 28th release date quickly approaching, it looks like the director is finally starting to speak about what he has planned for us.

In a recent interview with DGA Quarterly, Aronofsky spoke about the effects in the film. He goes into detail on how he wanted the animals to look and how he went about bringing them to life.

Check out his full quote below:

“We had to create an entire animal kingdom,” the director told DGA Quarterly. “All the animals in the movie are slightly tweaked; I didn’t want the clichéd polar bear, elephant, and lion walking onto the Ark; I didn’t want the shot of a giraffe’s head looking over the rail. I wanted to respect the storyline and think what would have been involved if it all really happened. We basically went through the animal kingdom and pinpointed the body types we wanted: some pachyderms, some rodents, reptiles, and the bird kingdom. We chose the species and they were brought to life with different furs and colors. We didn’t want anything fully recognizable but not completely absurd either.”

He then says that one shot in particular is “the most complicated computer rendering” that Industrial Light & Magic (the company doing the effects) has ever done.

“It was a nice badge of honor. I don’t think it’s the most incredible shot, but I think because of all the hair on the animals it was incredibly complicated for them,” Aronofsky revealed. “They said, ‘We can only render it two or three more times so make sure those are exactly right because they take so long and are so complex.’ ”

I think that just about everyone is looking forward to Noah. With a cast that includes Russell Crowe, Emma Watson, Anthony Hopkins, Jennifer Connelly and Logan Lerman, and a visionary director like Aronofsky behind the camera, I think that this epic story will get the proper treatment.

Noah is easily one of our most anticipated movies of 2014 and I don’t think it will disappoint.