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David O. Russell To Direct Leonardo DiCaprio And Robert De Niro In Legacy Of Secrecy

It was announced back in 2010 that Leonardo DiCaprio had signed on to star in and produce through his production company Appian Way, a film titled Legacy of Secrecy. Today we're hearing that the film will be directed by none other than David O. Russell and will also see Robert De Niro co-starring.

It was announced back in 2010 that Leonardo DiCaprio had signed on to star in and produce through his production company Appian Way, a film titled Legacy of Secrecy. Today we’re hearing that the film will be directed by none other than David O. Russell and will also see Robert De Niro co-starring.

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The news comes from DiCaprio’s father and producing partner George, who revealed the information in a recent interview. As it stands, Russell is also said to be writing the script, which follows DiCaprio as “FBI informant Jack Van Laningham who apparently witnessed the confession of Mafia godfather Carlos Marcello for the assassination of John F. Kennedy.” De Niro is set to take on the role Marcello.

The project sounds incredibly interesting and will mark De Niro’s third time working with both DiCaprio and Russell. Between the three of them there is a ton of talent attached to the project and right now, we don’t see how this one could turn out to be anything less than fantastic.

No official word on a start date, however, with Russell currently wrapping up filming on American Hustle, which will be in post production until its December release, it is safe to say that Legacy of Secrecy will shoot sometime next year for a 2015 release.

As always we will bring you more news on the project as it arises. For now, let us know what you think in the comments of Russell, De Niro and DiCaprio making a film together. Are you as excited as we are?