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Back In The Day: The 10 Best Horror Movies From The 80s

7) Re-Animator (1985)

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Loosely based on H.P. Lovecraft’s episodic novella series Herbert West—Re-animator, first-time director Stuart Gordon’s gore-tastic splatterfest is a fun, campy, no holds barred descent into should-I-laugh-or-should-I-vomit territory? (chances are, you’ll probably do both).

Mad scientist Herbert West has concocted a mysterious serum that can bring dead tissue back to life. Following the death of his professor (in a super gruesome opening scene that sets the tone for the entire flick), West travels to the USA to continue his research. The real twist is that West isn’t the true villain of the movie, but instead acts as more of a likeable anti-hero.

Pepper in some grisly practical effects that never let up, a playful Psycho inspired score and a wealth of surprisingly smart writing that fuses together ideas from Frankenstein with other old-school, lo-fi horror films like the 1960’s The Hypnotic Eye, and add in some terrifically memorable performances from bonkers genius West (Jeffrey Combs) and all out evil professor Dr. Carl Hill (David Gale), and you’re left with a movie that frequently runs the gamut between laugh-out-loud hilarity as well as delivering some hardcore gross-out moments that’ll have you reaching for a sick-bag.

Re-Animator is a ground-breaking and marvelously memorable horror flick that deserves your undivided attention. The squeamish need not apply…