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The DC Extended Universe: Your Complete Guide To The Past, Present And Future

Welcome to your one-stop resource for everything you need to know about the DC Extended Universe. Here, you will find a mine of regularly updated information pertaining to every project in this rapidly expanding film franchise - from 2013's Man Of Steel, to the most distant titles that are still in the earliest stages of development. The movies already available to watch are listed under ‘Released’; those films with a specific, confirmed release date are listed under ‘Upcoming releases’; and those films expected in the future, but with no confirmed release date, are listed under ‘In development’.

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Welcome to your one-stop resource for everything you need to know about the DC Extended Universe. And we do mean everything.

Here, you’ll find a treasure chest of regularly updated information pertaining to every single project in this rapidly expanding film franchise – from 2013’s Man Of Steel, to the most distant titles that are still in the earliest stages of development, like Nightwing and Flashpoint.

The movies already available to watch are listed under ‘Released’; those films with a specific, confirmed release date are listed under ‘Upcoming releases’; and those expected in the future, but with no confirmed release date, are listed under ‘In development’.

Click through the links below to find any and all details you need or simply hit the next page to begin.

ReleasedUpcoming ReleasesIn Development