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DCEU Fans Already Celebrating The Success Of Zack Snyder’s Justice League

Zack Snyder's Justice League doesn't arrive on HBO Max until Thursday, but the social media embargo was lifted yesterday and the reviews have started pouring in, with the general consensus being overwhelmingly positive so far. It was always guaranteed to be vastly superior to Joss Whedon's maligned theatrical edition, the only real question was how high it could fly.


Zack Snyder’s Justice League doesn’t arrive on HBO Max until Thursday, but the social media embargo was lifted yesterday and the reviews have started pouring in, with the general consensus being overwhelmingly positive so far. It was always guaranteed to be vastly superior to Joss Whedon’s maligned theatrical edition, the only real question was how high it could fly.

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With over 100 reviews in the bag and counting on Rotten Tomatoes, Justice League is currently sitting on a very respectable 75%, and you can guarantee the audience score is going to be much higher given how heavily invested fans have been in the project since it first shifted from being an online pipe dream to becoming a reality.

We’ll have our own review up later in the week, but for now, it appears as though the majority of Twitter users to have seen the Snyder Cut can’t get enough of it. Even though the four-hour running time could test the less discerning of subscribers, the reactions have been enthusiastic enough that they should still be able to win over the doubters, and you can check out what folks are saying down below.

Naturally, #RestoreTheSnyderVerse has already been trending around the world, even though the filmmaker has admitted that the all-new Justice League isn’t official DCEU canon, while neither he nor Warner Bros. have any plans for a sequel. That isn’t going to stop the fanbase, though, who will be buoyed by the belief that they’re directly responsible for the Snyder Cut’s very existence, and will be keen to try and make lightning strike twice. It’s a minor miracle that things even reached this point, and at least Justice League looks to deliver exactly what the people have been demanding for the last three and a half years regardless of what happens next.