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6 Deadpool Storylines That Should Be Used In The Sequel

With talk of Deadpool 2 seriously starting to heat up now, it's only appropriate to explore some of the character's story arcs that deserve to be on the silver screen. From his surprisingly tragic romance with Death to fighting an evil version of himself, the Merc with a Mouth has an abundance of source material that would make for cinematic gold.

2) Uncanny X-Force

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Having a team made up of Deadpool, Archangel, Wolverine, Psylocke and more gives 20th Century Fox the opportunity to show off character dynamics that wouldn’t be seen elsewhere.

Tasked with a controversial mission of stopping Apocalypse whilst he’s still a child reveals a serious side to Deadpool and proves that he really does have a moral compass, albeit an obscure one. The team-up element of the story would also provide an abundance of chemistry to be displayed on screen, including Psylocke and Archangel’s unsteady relationship and Deadpool’s attitude towards the leader of the team, Wolverine.

An Uncanny X-Force film could also make for dramatic suspense and a race against time, including large action set peices and plenty of comical dialogue, such as Wilson going toe-to-toe with one of the Four Horsemean of the Apocalypse whilst singing “War” by Edwin Starr.