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Did Deadpool 2 Manage To Avoid Suffering From Sequelitis?

Deadpool 2 is finally out and looks set to break numerous box office records. But after so much hype and anticipation, did the film deliver?

Did The Film Deliver?

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Taking all the above into consideration, it’s safe to say that Deadpool 2 dodged the dreaded sequel curse. While it’s still too early to know if it’s in the same league as other part twos like Terminator 2: Judgment Day and The Dark Knight (which became the highlights of their respective franchises), it certainly delivered everything that fans were hoping for and expected.

While it’s easy to nitpick and compare it to its predecessor, the ultimate measure is if people enjoyed it. And judging by the audience response and critical praise so far, they certainly did.

The only question now is, will Deadpool get another solo film, or is it X-Force all the way? If you ask Ryan Reynolds, he doesn’t seem to keen on a third standalone outing for the Merc, saying the following in a recent interview:

“For Deadpool 3, you know, it’s an odd thing to say but I don’t think there will be a Deadpool 3. I think going forward it would be an X-Force movie, which would be his team so to speak.”

Whether the actor’s right or not remains to be seen, but for now, we can all enjoy Wade Wilson’s latest adventure in Deadpool 2 which, from the looks of it, managed to avoid suffering from sequelitis.