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Deadpool 2 Will Poke Fun At Superhero Movie Sequels, Says Simon Kinberg

Earlier this year Deadpool made all the money. Audiences lapped up the antics of a foul-mouthed antihero fond of violent behavior in a movie that revelled in poking fun at the entire superhero movie genre - itself included. At the time - and still now - it's a rare feat for an R-rated comic book flick in that vein to achieve a healthy box office and critical praise. Not so rare, however, that we won't see that type of wink-at-the-audience cheekiness ever again.

Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool

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Earlier this year, Deadpool made all the money. Audiences lapped up the antics of a foul-mouthed antihero fond of violent behavior in a movie that revelled in poking fun at the entire superhero movie genre – itself included. At the time – and still now – it’s a rare feat for an R-rated comic book flick in that vein to achieve a healthy box office and critical praise. Not so rare, however, that we won’t see that type of wink-at-the-audience cheekiness ever again.

While the sequel Deadpool 2 is in the early development stages, producer Simon Kinberg promises that style of meta-humor will continue. Specifically, it sounds like the Merc with a Mouth will make superhero sequels the target of his barbs.

“I think Deadpool 2 will comment on anything that’s happening in movies today especially in superhero movies.  The sort of glut or saturation of these movies and the proliferation of sequels is definitely something we’ll play around with.”

Deadpool’s first film passed comment on the state of superhero flicks in general. He even went the extra mile and included the X-Men – with whom he shares a cinematic universe – in his witty takedowns. It makes sense that his newly-found tradition would push on into his second solo outing, which will find him sharing a screen with his comic book frenemy Cable. Plenty of actors have thrown their name into the hat for the coveted part, yet according to Kinberg there’s nothing set in stone just yet:

“I’ve seen rumors from about everybody from Arnold Schwarzenegger to I can’t even remember. We haven’t cast him is the truth.”

The Tim Miller-directed Deadpool 2 has yet to set a date for Wade Wilson’s second adventure, although it’s expected that the movie will enter production in early 2017.