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Deadpool 3 Confirmed To Be R-Rated And Set In The MCU

Marvel fans have been waiting for ages for an official update on Deadpool 3, and now we have one. Despite the glut of MCU announcements made at Disney's Investor Day last month, there was no mention of Ryan Reynolds' much-anticipated first outing as the Merc with the Mouth under Marvel Studios. That might be because the movie is still a ways away, but Kevin Feige has now confirmed that it's indeed in development.


Marvel fans have been waiting for ages for an official update on Deadpool 3and now we have one. Despite the glut of MCU announcements made at Disney’s Investor Day last month, there was no mention of Ryan Reynolds’ much-anticipated first outing as the Merc with the Mouth under Marvel Studios. That might be because the movie is still a ways away, but Kevin Feige has now confirmed that it’s indeed in development.

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Feige recently spoke with Collider and opened up about the state of Deadpool 3 for the first time in a while. In the process, he confirmed something that’ll make fans happy – the R-rating Reynolds enjoyed under Fox will still be in play at Disney. What’s more, Wade Wilson will properly become a part of the MCU. Unfortunately, though, the pic won’t be shooting this year due to the actor’s busy schedule.

“It will be rated R and we are working on a script right now, and Ryan’s overseeing a script right now… It will not be [filming] this year. Ryan is a very busy, very successful actor. We’ve got a number of things we’ve already announced that we now have to make, but it’s exciting for it to have begun. Again, a very different type of character in the MCU, and Ryan is a force of nature, which is just awesome to see him bring that character to life.”

There’s some mixed news here, then. If filming isn’t kicking off in 2021, that means we won’t be seeing the threequel for a good couple of years yet at least. On the plus side, Feige’s other comments are sure to excite the fandom, as we now know that Marvel is keen to keep what worked about DP in Fox’s movies, including his adult edge, and it sounds like the studio wants to fully integrate Deadpool into their cinematic universe.

A recent report claimed that Reynolds was to have full creative control on DP3, and while that may not be the case, Feige confirms that the actor is still overseeing the development of the project and will be involved in the scripting process. We also don’t know yet who’ll direct the film, though apparently we can rule out Deadpool 2‘s David Leitch.

In any case, at least Deadpool 3 is officially on its way – we just need to be patient. And thankfully, there’s a loaded schedule of MCU productions coming in the meantime.