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Ryan Reynolds Wants An X-Force Film

Could a covert team up of the X-Men's most skilled mutants be a reality on the big screen? Deadpool himself, Ryan Reynolds, certainly hopes so.


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Could a covert team-up of the X-Men’s most skilled mutants be a reality on the big screen? Deadpool himself, Ryan Reynolds, certainly hopes so.

In a recent interview with ComicBook.com, the actor discussed the possibility of an X-Force film, saying that he would “love to see X-Force develop too and turn into something pretty cool.” Whilst he doesn’t believe that Deadpool could “possibly conform to any sort of leadership role,” he thinks that Cable would be a perfect candidate for the job.

As the time-travelling son of Scott Summers, Cable would make for a strong contrast against Deadpool, being much more serious than the mercenary. The presence of the character would also bridge the gap between Deadpool’s standalone film and the current X-Men Cinematic Universe, given his relationship with Cyclops, so this could work out quite well.

Tell us, do you think an X-Force film would be a wise next step for Fox? If so, who do you think would be best to lead the team? Share your thoughts with us below.