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Deadpool Creator Doesn’t Think Hugh Jackman Is Done With Wolverine

Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld doesn't think that Hugh Jackman is done with the role of Wolverine, despite what the actor has said.


When Marvel Studios finally reboot the X-Men and introduce them into the MCU, it’d probably be smart if the team didn’t feature Wolverine for a while. After all, there are so many potential characters to choose from, and no matter who ends up in the role of Logan, they’ll face intense comparisons to Hugh Jackman’s iconic time playing the part.

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Yes, the Aussie actor portrayed the adamantium-infused mutant for 17 years, establishing his take as probably the single most iconic performance in the history of the genre. As such, it’d be a daunting task for any actor to try and take over and it’s safe to say that the inevitable re-casting might turn out to be a poisoned chalice.

But maybe they won’t have to re-cast in the end? Maybe, just maybe, they’ll be able to convince Jackman to return. At least, that’s what Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld thinks. Speaking to Inverse recently, he admitted that he’s not convinced that the actor is done with the role, saying he foolishly doesn’t believe him.

“I’m stuck on Hugh Jackman,” Liefeld said when asked which actor he envisions as Marvel’s Wolverine. “Having met Hugh, having loved Hugh, there is only Deadpool because of Wolverine… I was doing Deadpool [in the comics] to get to Wolverine. Wolverine was always the goal.”

“I hope to God he comes back, I do. He’s been seriously firm that he’s not going to be Wolverine, and I foolishly don’t believe him.”

While it’s nice to hear that Liefeld is holding out hope, it unfortunately doesn’t sound like he’ll get his wish. Jackman has been absolutely adamant that he’s done with the role and it doesn’t seem like there’s a whole lot that Marvel can do to convince him otherwise.

Then again, who knows? Stranger things have happened and if the demand for Hugh to return, even for a small cameo, continues to grow, maybe he’ll change his mind. For now, though, we wouldn’t hold our breath to see him back as Wolverine and in all likelihood, the part will soon be recast with a younger actor. Who that could be, we don’t yet know, but the internet certainly has some ideas.