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In Defense Of: “Spider-Man 3” (2007)

On this edition of In Defense Of, We Got This Covered comes to the defense of Sam Raimi's oft-maligned third entry in his web-slinging trilogy, Spider-Man 3.

Tobey Maguire Is Still A Fantastic Peter Parker/Spider-Man Combo

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Say what you will about the newer iterations of our beloved wall-crawling superhero, but if I was tasked with choosing my favourite of the Spidey bunch, I’d take Tobey Maguire’s nerdy charm any day of the week. The thing is, Maguire absolutely nails the geeky aspect of Peter Parker, which is something the more modern interpretations fail to truly capture.

Setting aside that scene for the moment (I’ll touch on it shortly, don’t worry), Maguire is the perfect embodiment of Peter Parker’s uber geeky character. Sure, it’s open to interpretation, but personally, I’d go as far as calling Maguire’s rendition of the famous web-slinger as one of the most iconic and most resonant cinematic portrayals yet. No small feat.

He may come across as a socially awkward nerd, but I think that’s one of the reasons why I’m so enamoured with him. Peter Parker, particularly in the comic book source material, is supposed to be a full on geek, and not uber cool. I think Maguire strikes the right balance between loveable and nerdy really well, which is something that hasn’t been as authentically re-captured since.