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Die Hard Fans Begin Annual Debate Over Whether It’s A Christmas Movie Or Not

Given the time of year, Die Hard fans now have begun their annual debate over whether it's truly a Christmas movie or not.

Die Hard 6

Before we get into this, let’s make one thing very clear. There’s no doubt in our minds that Die Hard is one of the best Christmas movies ever. It also remains as one of the best action films around, too, but it is very much a Christmas flick, despite what people will try to tell you.

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But given the time of the year, the classic debate has now sprung up again, with fans on Twitter voicing their thoughts on whether Die Hard should be considered a holiday watch or not. And as you can see below, there’s a fair amount of people making the case for both sides.

Here are just some of the Tweets currently spurring this never-ending debate:






Die Hard 6

Whether you consider it a Christmas movie or not, Die Hard is always a fun watch and still remains the best entry in the iconic franchise. Speaking of which, things haven’t been looking too good for the property as of late. 2013’s A Good Day to Die Hard was a real disaster and ever since, things have been quiet on where the series might head next.

There’s been whispers of Disney possibly doing a reboot, now that they own the right thanks to the Fox merger, but so far, the Mouse House hasn’t officially announced anything. Still, it’s pretty clear that there’s a ton of interest out there in Die Hard and seeing more from the franchise and with any luck, 2020 will bring us some concrete updates on what comes next for it.

Until then, though, feel free to weigh in in the comments section down below letting us know whether or not you consider the original to be a Christmas movie.