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9 Characters Marvel Got From Fox Who We Can’t Wait To See In The MCU


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Yes, you read that right. Ryan Reynold’s Deadpool will be the perfect addition to the MCU. Now, before you go on a barrage of hate about how the powers that be will Disney-fy the Merc with a Mouth, hear us out here for a second and contain yourself.

In the comics, Deadpool pushes the boundaries of PG-13 all the time and yet he still manages to co-exist with the other characters. While it’s unlikely that we’ll get a full-blown R-rated hero in an MCU-approved family title, it’s entirely possible that he could cameo in an Avengers flick and test the boundaries there.

A successful property such as Deadpool will undoubtedly remain R-rated for its future movies, but we don’t envision it being excluded from the larger universe. You can bet your bottom dollar that Wade Wilson will pop up in unexpected, weird, and wonderful ways.