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9 Characters Marvel Got From Fox Who We Can’t Wait To See In The MCU

Reed Richards/Mister Fantastic

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As Marvel’s First Family, it’s expected that the Fantastic Four will form a major part of the MCU going forward. They’ve been ignored and ridiculed for far too long and it’s time for them to get the feature film that they deserve.

The one member of the group who’ll fit in seamlessly with the MCU is their leader, Reed Richards. Can you imagine his first on-screen interaction with Tony Stark and Bruce Banner? It’ll be pure gold and full-on nerd-gasms. Additionally, there’s the potential to play up his relationship with Peter Parker and set many of their conversations and discussions in the iconic Baxter Building.

While the group will surely experience more success in the MCU than ever before, Reed Richards might make himself at home rather quickly. His place is right next to Marvel’s greatest minds and he’s finally on course to getting there.