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Disney’s clearly not deterred by an upcoming ‘Cinderella’ horror adaptation if its latest announcement is any indication

The timing here is… fun.

Screengrab via YouTube

In May, another horror-infused take on a classic fairytale Disney made millions off of was announced. In the future, audiences will be seeing Cinderella’s Curse and, while the mouse monopoly would rather its princesses and characters like Winnie the Pooh not go on blood-soaked rampages, they do not seem to be too phased by the new and noxious trend if a new movie remaster is any sort of indication.

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The company’s Disney Plus streaming service posted the above earlier today. Accompanying the information about the release during a perfectly fitting week next month is a gif of Cinderella transforming in the 1950 release and, while some in the replies are excited, others are clamoring for films in the company’s back catalogue, while still others fear the company will make contemporary changes.

Some of the comments are too vile to even retype here and, curiously, no one in the initial comments or quoted re-tweets has mentioned the horror film as of this story’s filing. It could be the case Disney is trying to strategically ignore it or just does not care (they did not comment on the same company’s Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey release, after all), and — with quirks in copyright law — there is not much they can do. As we explain in an earlier piece, once an initial story is in the public domain — as Pooh and most fairytales are — any creator is free to give their own take on it while not copying unique elements from other adaptations. This means Cinderella will get to snap on the screen and, assuming it is as profitable as Pooh’s pulverizing of the innocent, we will get a whole lot of other stuff from the same company.