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Disney’s animated sequel announcements was missing the one people actually want to see

Not only does this franchise deserve a third movie, but the fans do, too.

Image via Disney

During Disney‘s Q1 earnings call yesterday, CEO Bob Iger revealed that three sequels to some of the brand’s most lucrative properties were in the works, namely Frozen 3, Zootopia 2, and Toy Story 5.

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Though these franchises automatically play it safe at the box office on reputation alone, and they’re all sure to draw palpable levels of excitement from their audiences, one has to wonder not only how much fuel some of these IPs have left in the tank, but whether this is the right way to use that fuel in the first place. Frozen and Zootopia will no doubt continue to be immortalized on the internet, and there’s no telling how a fifth Toy Story movie could conceivably slot in with that tearjerker of an ending we got in Toy Story 4.

Subsequently, the Twitter masses have chosen to make their voices heard, calling on Disney to instead throw its resources behind a dream sequel that’s desperately needed by not only the franchise, but audiences as well.

Indeed, after The Incredibles‘ sophomore entry proved to be a downgrade from the original, Disney’s premier family of superheroes would no doubt appreciate another shot on the big screen; one that would hopefully return them to the reputable status they were regarded with thanks to the first film.

Users appeared to take extra shots at Toy Story 5 following the absence of an Incredibles 3 announcement; with Woody having departed from Buzz and the rest of Bonnie’s toys at the end of the fourth film, Pixar’s flagship franchise is going to need the mastermind of the century to pull off a fifth entry.

Incredibles 3, on the other hand, would have far more stories left to tell; whether it’s Jack-Jack starting school, Violet going off to college, Frozone and his wife starting a family of their own, or the Underminer seeking revenge, the possibilities remain endless.

We’ll try not to let the absence of Incredibles 3 sully any experiences we have with the sequels that were announced, but we’ll be keeping a sharp eye on Toy Story 5 nevertheless; if Pixar can make us cry a fifth time, we’ll happily concede.