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5 Foreign Films That Will Seriously Mess You Up

First off, let me just say this: I am not encouraging or challenging you to watch any of these films. This list is not some contest to see who can endure the most brutal cinema and still have the capacity to sleep at night. No, I am simply writing this list because it needs to exist somewhere. There are certain horror movies from certain foreign countries that just take horror and the concept of terror to whole new levels.


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See, it’s not all French movies! This Spanish thriller (named Secuestrados originally) is one of my favorite home invasion movies because it caught me off-guard for just how many times it would go to a place I didn’t think it would go. It is one of those films that gets bleaker and bleaker the more you watch it. On the inside, because we have all been weaned on mainstream movies, you keep waiting for the odds to turn in the favor of the family being terrorized, yet they just never seem to. It instead snowballs and gets worse and worse.

Then it all culminates with an ending that just punches you square in the guts and leaves you, well, fucked up. There really are no other words for it. You feel rattled and exhausted, like you just went through everything you watched on-screen. Again, this list is not me telling you to see these films. It is simply me telling you that seeing any of the foreign films on this list will fuck you up. Take that as a challenge if you want.

Also, why is Salo not on the list? Because that movie is filthy and I don’t even like bringing it up.