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Does Praetorian Jack die in ‘Furiosa’?

You know what they say: no body, no death.

Tom Burke as Praetorian Jack in Furiosa
Image via Warner Bros. Pictures

It hasn’t been long since Furiosa hit cinemas worldwide, but questions are already making their way into the digital stratosphere. Despite being part of the same saga as the other Mad Max movies, the questions that come are certainly new.

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If there is one thing George Miller excels at, it is creating absolute mayhem in his movies. He is also particularly good at showing some of the most disturbing deaths in cinema. We won’t spoil much of the movie for you, but there is one character whose fate wasn’t entirely obvious in the film — though I’ll address that in a moment. If you happen to be one of the people confused about whether or not Praetorian Jack survived being dragged for hours and mauled by dogs, keep reading.

Did Praetorian Jack survive in Furiosa?

Anya Taylor-Joy as Furiosa and Tom Burke as Praetorian Jack
Photo via Warner Bros. Pictures

While we can’t be 100 percent certain, it is believed that Praetorian Jack succumbed to his wounds in Furiosa. He was dragged for hours by a motorcycle and constantly attacked by dogs — all while Furiosa was forced to watch. When Dementus finally had enough of the torture, Praetorian Jack was no longer seen, leaving his fate to the interpretation of fans.

Still, it becomes almost obvious that Praetorian Jack did indeed die. No human being, regardless of their training, could sustain such injuries. Despite how wacky Mad Max may be, enduring such brutal torture in the dusty desert would surely be enough to kill even Immortan Joe.

Naturally, the choice not to show Jack’s body could have been an intentional way to leave his fate open to interpretation, or even for a future film. Only time, and maybe the cast, will reveal whether Jack’s fate was as grim as his torture.