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7 Ways That Flashpoint Could Alter The DCEU For The Better

Bring Back Steve Trevor

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After three rocky outings, the DCEU had its first unanimous success with the inspiring Wonder Woman. Gal Gadot rocked it as the Amazonian warrior struggling to understand mankind’s tendency for violence and her character is definitely the only thing in the entire DCEU that shouldn’t be altered at all with Flashpoint, but that doesn’t mean it can’t affect those around her.

A big part of what made Wonder Woman work was the hero’s evolving relationship with Chris Pine’s Steve Trevor. Their chemistry and banter was a highpoint to many, and Steve was vital in showing Diana that people could be both good and bad. You can bet your bottom dollar then that Warner Bros. wants to replicate the success with their Wonder Woman sequel, and you just know there have been discussions of how to use Steve Trevor again.

With Wonder Woman 2 being set in the 80’s during the Cold War, the easy route would be to say that Steve Trevor has a descendant who looks just like him. Not only is this a little cheap, but it also weakens the relationship Diana has with the original Steve. Flashpoint would be a better alternative then because it could still have the same Steve Trevor, just born in a different time period. Having him back, but not remembering Diana, would bring new layers to their relationship and have it grow in a fascinating new direction.