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Doug ‘The Thug’ Glatt Returns To The Ice In New Trailer For Goon: Last Of The Enforcers

Sean William Scott's hard-boiled thug returns to the ice in the latest trailer for Jay Baruchel's sequel, Goon: Last of the Enforcers.


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Sean William Scott may be forever associated with the role of Steve Stifler from the American Pie saga, but the actor delivered a surprisingly scrappy and heartfelt performance in Goon, Michael Dowse’s sports comedy that went on to become something of a cult favorite six years ago.

And though it’s box office performance wasn’t enough to inspire confidence, fans have been quietly campaigning for the next chapter in Doug ‘The Thug’ Glatt’s story ever since. Well, it won’t be long before the Halifax Highlanders return to the silver screen – for those in Canada, at least – with Goon: Last Of The Enforcers now teetering on the verge of release. Things aren’t looking too good for hockey’s hardest hitter though, who’s sidelined following a gnarly injury. In his wake, Wyatt Russell’s boisterous newcomer Anders Cain threatens to take the Halifax Highlanders in a new direction, which eventually courts Glatt back to the ice ready to exert his dominance.

It’s a new day for the Halifax Highlanders. A pro lockout has reunited old teammates and brought a crew of new players to the bench; notably missing from the line-up, however, is everyone’s favourite enforcer and heart of the team, Doug “The Thug” Glatt. Sidelined after one too many hits and now married with a baby on the way, Doug is hanging up his skates and settling into life as an insurance salesman. But when Doug’s nemesis, Anders Cain, is made captain of the Highlanders and new ownership threatens to tear his team apart, Doug is compelled back into action.

Ignoring the wishes of wife Eva, Doug heads to the rink, discovering an unlikely training partner in fellow retired enforcer and one-time arch rival, Ross “The Boss” Rhea. Together with grit, passion and unrivaled loyalty, they will grind out one last chance to do what they do best…protect their team.

Goon: Last Of The Enforcers has secured a March 17th release in Canada, neatly aligning with St. Patrick’s Day in North America. Still no mention of when Jay Baruchel’s sequel will skate to other territories, but with little over a month to go until its initial release, we fully expect to catch wind of U.S. date sooner rather than later.