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Dream Academy Award Nominations 2013! Part 1 – The Technical Categories

The nominations for the 85th Academy Awards will be released on January 10th, one week from today, and will, as history has taught us, provide endless frustration for cinephiles everywhere. Why? Because the Oscars are silly. In concept and execution, they are a frivolous exercise, a largely substance-free attempt for Hollywood to congratulate itself, defined by industry politics and campaigning. The Academy Awards are not a bad thing, but they are also not worth putting much stock in, especially if one is a rampant film lover who probably sees twice as many films in a given year as most Academy voters. The Oscars are obnoxious because they make claim to definitiveness, but are really nothing more than a simple set of opinions, no different or superior to yours or mine.

Best Cinematography 

Recommended Videos

Roger Deakins, Skyfall

Ron Fricke, Samsara

Mihai Malaimare Jr., The Master

Wally Pfister, The Dark Knight Rises

Masanobu Takayanagi, The Grey 

Tons of outstanding work this year, and a tough category to narrow down. Roger Deakins’ stunning imagery for Skyfall is an absolute gimee, as is Wally Pfister’s work on The Dark Knight Rises, which continued the innovations of its predecessor with a much greater amount of IMAX 70mm photography. Mihai Malaimare Jr. also shot on 70mm for The Master, and the results were breathtaking in every way – not just for the enhanced clarity of the format. Masanobu Takayanagi is quickly becoming one of my favorite Directors of Photography, and his ability to so clearly capture the stark, horrifying chill of the Alaskan tundra in The Grey stands as his greatest achievement to date.

But the winner here, without a shadow of a doubt, is Ron Fricke and Samsara, a beautiful tone-poem of a documentary that features some of the most incredible photography humans have ever captured. Also shot on 70mm, Fricke never ceases to innovate in the way he observes our world, and while Samsara may not, on the whole, be quite as great as Koyaanisqatsi or Baraka, it may be the most visually potent of the lot. 

Dream Winner: Ron Fricke, Samsara

Tough Omissions: Robert Richardson, Django Unchained; Tom Stern, The Hunger Games; Masanobu Takayanagi, Silver Linings Playbook; Seamus McGarvey, The Avengers; Robert Yeoman, Moonrise Kingdom; Steve Yedlin, Looper; Franke Griebe and John Toll, Cloud Atlas; Danny Cohen, Les Miserables

Best Editing 

Alexander Berner, Cloud Atlas

Jeffrey Ford and Lisa Lassek, The Avengers

Ron Fricke and Mark Magidson, Samsara

William Goldenberg and Dylan Tichenor, Zero Dark Thirty

Fred Raskin, Django Unchained 

Another strong field, albeit one where the winner is absolutely obvious. After all, no other editor this year had such a complex task as Alexander Berner did on Cloud Atlas, linking six stories together into one seamless, flowing experience, and that means Berner’s success just naturally shines a little more brightly than anyone else’s. But that should not take away from the task Ron Fricke and Mark Magidson had assembling five years worth of footage on Samsara, or the from the monumental task Jeffery Ford and Lisa Lassek faced putting together several historically vast action sequences in The Avengers. This kind of stuff is harder than it looks. Zero Dark Thirty is probably the runner-up here, as William Goldenberg and Dylan Tichenor’s editing reflects the complexities of the story without sacrificing narrative propulsion, and Fred Raskin deserves major praise for doing the late Sally Menke proud on Django Unchained, one of 2012’s best examples of classical, invisible editing.

Dream Winner: Alexander Berner, Cloud Atlas

Tough Omissions: Lee Smith, The Dark Knight Rises; Stuart Baird and Kate Baird, Skyfall; Bob Duscay, Looper; Michael Kahn, Lincoln; Melanie Ann Oliver and Chris Dickens, Les Miserables; William Goldenberg, Argo

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