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Edgar Wright Reveals His Ant-Man ‘Homework’

The long-gestating Ant-Man is due to start filming this year, but what's a director to do in the quiet time leading up to that magical production start date? Well, if Edgar Wright's example is anything to go by, you mainline Disney XD's The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes.


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The long-gestating Ant-Man is due to start filming this year, but what’s a director to do in the quiet time leading up to that magical production start date? Well, if Edgar Wright’s example is anything to go by, you mainline Disney XD’s The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. If you’ve ever seen Edgar Wright in interviews, you get the impression that he’d probably be watching the show anyway, but the fact he has a major installment in the Marvel universe coming up makes that less questionable.

Recently, he posted a screenshot (seen below) of the episode ‘To Steal an Ant-Man’, with the caption “Homework’. Normally this would be no big deal – we’ve all posted images from Disney XD programming on our blogs from time to time – but the shot in question was a pivotal moment in the Ant-Man mythos, the scene in which Scott Lang steals Hank Pym’s Ant-Man helmet. From this social media posting, it’s possible to draw a few conclusions if we add up a couple of news stories that have appeared in the past few months.


Head of Marvel Kevin Feige said that what interested him in Edgar Wright taking over Ant-Man, way back in 2006, was his pitching it as a heist movie. This, combined with repeated speculation that the film will be about Lang stealing Pym’s helmet, means that Edgar might be letting on a little bit more than it might seem.

Whatever happens, the film has been on the cards since 2006. Eight years have passed since Edgar Wright was first named in connection to the film, and isn’t it about time we saw this movie? Paul Rudd’s casting as Hank Pym means that this should, at the very least, be good. That’s all we can hope for really – better than The Amazing Spider-Man at least. More news as it comes.

Ant-Man will be released on July 31st, 2015.