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Elijah Wood Says He Wants To Appear In A Marvel Film

Though he isn't sure what character he'd want to play...

Elijah Wood has been talking a lot about potential movies recently. While he’s set to star in The Toxic Avenger reboot alongside Peter Dinklage, he just can’t seem to stop thinking about future projects. He recently discussed how he thought the Grand Theft Auto series should be made into a movie and has previously wanted to make a Nightmare On Elm Street Reboot. Now he seems to want his shot at the largest cinematic universe out there.

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In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Wood discussed why he would be incredibly excited to work on a Marvel movie, but didn’t give any details as to what hero or villain he’d like to play.

“[W]orking on a Marvel film, I mean, there’s obviously a whole conversation that happens certainly in film Twitter about sort of the cinematic relevance of Marvel. Is it cinema? All this sort of sh-t. And whether you like superhero movies or not, they are inherently fun. And those movies are extremely well made. I think getting to play again in that universe’s sandbox would be a blast. It’d be totally awesome, because it’s at such an insane scale.”

Wood also discussed his interest in returning to the Star Wars franchise but this time in a live-action role. “I think that’s just inherently fun,” he stated. “I haven’t had a chance to play in a giant sandbox in a while… Star Wars gets precedent because I’m a huge Star Wars fan. So more of that, certainly in the live-action sphere, would be awesome.”

If Elijah Wood gets to live his dream of being in a Marvel film, what role do you think he should play? Let us know in the comments below!