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Elon Musk’s rocket goes boom, and Ryan Reynolds instantly smells a ‘Deadpool’ crossover

The marketing guru never misses a trick.

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Photo via 20th Century Fox

As well as being an A-list movie star and producer, on top of owning a high-flying soccer team, a mobile service provider that was recently acquired for an astronomical fee, and a massively successful gin brand, Ryan Reynolds is known for being one of the savviest marketers in Hollywood.

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That comes with the territory when you own and operate your own agency and sit on the board of directors at Match Group, with Reynolds’ Maximum Effort blazing a trail for its consistently engaging and viral shenanigans. Never one to miss a trick, it didn’t take long for the outfit to capitalize on Elon Musk’s accidentally hilarious plans to blast into outer space yet again by weaponizing what’s quickly become one of the hottest-trending terms of the day.


In Juggernaut’s defense, it was only an unscheduled disassembly from Wade Wilson’s perspective, with the formidable X-Men villain hardly known for regretting his decision to cause wanton destruction and chaos. It ties neatly into Reynolds’ love of self-promotion, too, with the marketing company he owns using a GIF from a film that he produced, where a character he plays gets torn in half by one that he provided the voice for.

As always tends to be the case when the Chief Twit does anything newsworthy, he’s going to be the butt of many jokes throughout the rest of the day, but you’ll be lucky to see many better than Maximum Effort doing what it does best and turning topical situations into viral sensations.