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Emily Blunt Says She Hopes The Stars Will Align For Edge Of Tomorrow 2

In the now-approaching six years since sci-fi romp Edge of Tomorrow hit cinemas, we’ve had all manner of sequel rumours and gossip floating around – none of it culminating in a slated release date. Production on Edge of Tomorrow 2 has, so far, been on ice. But the noises are getting more positive.

edge of tomorrow

In the now-approaching six years since sci-fi romp Edge of Tomorrow hit cinemas, we’ve had all manner of sequel rumours and gossip floating around – none of it culminating in a slated release date. Production on Edge of Tomorrow 2 has, so far, been on ice. But the noises are getting more positive.

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Emily Blunt, one of the movie’s principal stars, has been talking to IndieWire about (among other things) the status of a second Tomorrow. And while she couldn’t confirm anything, the actress spoke about director Doug Liman’s enthusiasm for the as-yet unmade project, saying:

“I think there’s an idea, that [Liman] says is great. And he says this guy came in and cracked the case. How the stars will all align for us to be able to do it. I don’t know. I hope they do.

The guy in question is writer Matt Robinson, who came onboard last year to rewrite the script. It’s now complete, too, which – schedules notwithstanding – should leave Edge of Tomorrow 2 as close to production as it’s ever been. Blunt sounds game for it, as does her co-star Tom Cruise. Watch this space me thinks.

If I may be permitted to put a bit of a downer on the whole thing, though – don’t worry, this has nothing to do with the sequel’s chances of making it to filming – I’ve got some grievances about the first movie (and this is as good a time to air them as any). Personally, I think it sucked. Not the most nuanced review I’ve ever written, so I’ll elaborate.

Edge of Tomorrow is poorly edited, flimsily plotted, nonsensical science-fiction with foundations built on little more than a gimmick. Naturally then, I’m not desperate for Edge of Tomorrow 2. But don’t let me stop you – if you’re hyped for more, good for you. I hope it leaves the original for dust.

Leave a comment if you’ve got any thoughts of your own, as I’m more than willing to take counterpoints on the subject of whether Edge of Tomorrow was actually any good (or a cruise-misfire). The battle lines have been drawn.