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Why You Should Be Excited For Fede Alvarez’s Evil Dead Remake

Bloody Disgusting Visited The Set, And Their Reports Are Inspiring

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I’m an avid reader of the horror site Bloody Disgusting, and their own Evan Dickson got to spend two days on set in New Zealand last summer taking in every blood-soaked moment. A true treat for Dickson himself no doubt, but his articles describing his visit so far have done nothing but create more excitement.

From his 10 Facts About The New Evil Dead article to his two set visit reports (one and two), Evan Dickson has been steadfastly assuring us we still don’t know jack shit about Fede Alvarez’s film. I myself questioned whether unleashing the floodgates of marketing would spoil too many wonderful surprises about the film, be it the most violent Red Band trailer I’ve ever seen or the chilling theatrical trailer, but Dickson’s most import fact reads as so:

There’s still so much you haven’t seen. I’m truly excited to see how it plays out onscreen myself.

Echoing the same message in both press releases, I believe that Evil Dead still has an abundance of aces up its sleeve, but hearing Dickson hammer this point home over and over again feels oh so good. Sure, there are other moments that make us horror fans feel warm and fuzzy like FilmDistrict asking for the “hardest R-rating” possible from production and the apparent use of almost no CGI (which I’ll tackle shortly), but Dickson’s first hand accounts hold much more weight than a studio trying to keep people happy with quick answers.

For the record, I believe what Dickson is saying and in no way think he’s just pushing an agenda, so I encourage haters to check out any of the articles above. I dare you to not be more excited about the project after reading even one.