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Why You Should Be Excited For Fede Alvarez’s Evil Dead Remake

Did I Mention The Gore? AND A NC-17 RATING?!

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I know I mentioned Fede Alvarez wants to boast a gorier film this time around, and if any reports and trailers are to be believed – we’re in for a disgustingly blood-drenched treat.

Before I get to any stats which promote this logic, let me just ask – have you seen the Red Band trailer yet? Aren’t your own eyes trustworthy enough sources to convince you Alvarez isn’t f*cking around?! I’ve already stated this, but the Red Band trailer for Evil Dead is hands down the most graphic display of brutality and bodily fluids I’ve ever seen used as marketing material – and there’s more where that came from apparently. Are you kidding? I’m terrified to imagine just what the hell is really awaiting us.

But if you’re still wishy washy on this note, how about this fun fact – Fede Alvarez used 50,000 gallons of blood in one day. Yes, in a film that only has 5 real main characters, 50,000 gallons of blood were squirted out in one day. Are. You. Kidding? Piranha 3D, praised for their abundant use of fake blood, used 80,000 gallons to color Lake Victoria and received a lot of credit for the lavish act.

Ha! It only took Evil Dead one day to blow past Piranha 3D‘s halfway point. Oh yeah, I cannot wait to see how this blood is put to good use.

Actress Jane Levy can attest to the gross-out tactics our new remake will have, having this to say about a particularly nasty scene she participates in:

At one point I vomit all over somebody. A lot of vomit. Like, a sh*t-ton of fluid. I had a tube practically down my throat, and I’m on top of this girl and vomiting all over her. When you actually do something like that – I don’t think I can actually describe the sensation – but I actually went to the corner and cried. I’m really sensitive. But I felt like I was really drowning my friend Jessica, it felt so bad. I was shaking.

Oh yeah, and Alvarez was given a NC-17 rating his first time with the ratings board:

Bring it on, I only hope to somehow stomach it.