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Why You Should Be Excited For Fede Alvarez’s Evil Dead Remake

Fede Alvarez, Please Don’t Break My Heart

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Even with all the facts in front of me and my hype meter pushing dangerous levels, we simply won’t know until April 5th when Alvarez’s Evil Dead remake is widely released whether I’m on target or off-base. We’ll have a better idea of expectations after the South by Southwest festival, which will provide the film’s premiere, but I’m a moviegoer who refuses to judge a film until I’ve seen it with my own two eyes – so my excitement will not waver in the least until that glorious opening weekend.

With that said, I have a message for Fede Alvarez and everyone involved:

I’m in your corner 100% on this one. Everything I’ve seen so far in the way of promotion material has knocked me on my ass, and you’ve managed to get me excited for a remake I never would have asked for in the first place. Evil Dead has the potential to be something special, and honestly, the genre needs that right now. I’ve watched so many horror franchises go up in flames just trying to reach relevancy again, only to prove some classics are better left untouched.

This is your chance to be the hero Fede. This is your shot to prove remakes aren’t a kiss of death if handled right, and if any horror film deserves a proper revamp, it’s Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead. I have full faith you’re going to deliver something so insane and unique it will make even Sam Raimi blush, but please don’t prove me wrong. This is sort of the last straw on the camel’s back for the remake craze in my opinion, and if your abundantly promising film doesn’t live up to expectations, well, let’s just say I don’t think my fragile emotions can handle any more failed remakes. Don’t make me eat my words, I’m not the best at being made a fool.

In other words, “Save us Fede Alvarez, you’re our only hope.”

But you’re already going to do that, so hold on to your butts people.

What do you think, are my thoughts justified? Or are my high hopes just a recipe for disaster come April 5th. Feel free to voice your own opinion in the comments!