The beloved Playstation video game Ratchet & Clank has now become a full-blown animated feature film. For those unfamiliar with the critically acclaimed series, it focuses on a lowly mechanic named Ratchet, who idolizes an elite squad of combatants called the Galactic Rangers. He desperately wants to join the team in protecting the galaxy – and he gets the chance when he meets Clank, a robot who escapes from vile alien Chairman Drek.
Clank wants to warn everyone that Drek is hellbent on destroying every planet in the galaxy, and he and Ratchet must prove their worth to the Rangers as they team up to stop Drek.
Voice-over artists James Arnold Taylor as Ratchet and David Kaye as Clank, who have been voicing the characters from the game’s beginning, are joined by an all-star cast here, including Sylvester Stallone, Rosario Dawson, John Goodman, Paul Giamatti and Bella Thorne.
At the film’s recent press day, we talked with Thorne – who plays Cora, one of the tough Galactic Rangers – about voicing such a kick-ass character and how she isn’t very good at video games herself, but still enjoys them.
Hear what she has to say in the video above and be sure to catch Ratchet & Clank, in theaters this Friday.