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EXCLUSIVE: Watch Horror Short Mute Find Terror Without Words

Even though the holidays have wrapped, We Got This Covered has an extra little stocking stuffer for horror fans! Hot on the heels of a lengthy festival run, A Color Green is bringing his short film Mute exclusively to our readers for its online premiere. Running at a brisk 5 minutes, A Color Green’s backwoods terror stems from a mountain man (played by Albert Bendix) with a signifying mark, and the victims he wants to share his pain with. It starts quick, dives right into action and establishes an unsavory scenario – even managing to close without a cliffhanger.

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I was able to catch the short feature at this year’s inaugural Brooklyn Horror Film Festival, after it’d already visited the Sydney Underground Film Festival, Philly Unnamed Film Festival and a host of other events. After NYC, Mute went on to play plenty more genre fests like San Sebastian Horror Fest, La Mano Fest (Madrid, Spain), Glasgow Horror Festival (UK) and Morbido Film Festival (Mexico City). A quick stop at Fright Night Flix 66 Film Festival even earned a “Scariest Film” and “Scariest Killer (Albert Bendix)” award for the trophy case. With 25 screenings in all, A Color Green’s genre bite has had quite the trek.

In addition to the streaming version provided, A Color Green is also selling special edition VHS copies via the interwebz. Mastering house The Trash Pile put together 50 copies only, so act quick if you like it. The case itself features throwback artwork that’d fit in any collection, for only a measly $10. You know, if you still have a VHS player buried in the basement!

I haven’t included the actual synopsis, because I don’t want to give away the feature’s secret. Most of you will probably figure it out on title alone, but what’s the fun of me spoiling it? Go ahead and check out Mute for a sinister break from the ordinary!