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Existential rom-com endeavors to find out if Christmas movies are worthwhile

Any Scrooge who thinks Christmas movies aren't worthwhile have got us saying "humbug."

A Hollywood Christmas
Image via HBO Max

Does anyone actually think Christmas movies aren’t worthwhile? You’d have to be a real Scrooge to patently believe that an entire genre of film shouldn’t exist, especially when it brings so much joy to people around the world each holiday season. The truth is, we understand Christmas movies might not be your thing, but just because something doesn’t appeal to you doesn’t mean it’s invalid. The new HBO Max movie, A Hollywood Christmas, attempts to make that exact point. Check out the trailer below.

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Okay so yes, it’s a little campy, it’s a little cliche, it’s even…dare we say — safe, gasp, but so is Christmas! What the heck is wrong with some good old fashion romance, especially around a holiday that was built for romantic movies? Not to mention that at least HBO is trying to do something different, adding a very meta twist to the conventional Christmas film tropes.

Here’s the deal though, Christmas is a time to take stock of the ins and outs of your life. It’s this weird nexus where everyone looks back at another year gone by and thinks about what they’ve done, but also about where they’re headed. People get to come together and savor the passing of time as it happens right before their eyes, and the beauty of those moments should never be understated.

Christmas movies, good ones at least, do so well year after year because they remind us that kindness, love, friendship, and family are all things to be cherished. Presents that don’t need to be opened in order to enjoy the holiday. So are Christmas movies worthwhile? Believe what you want, but we’d like to think they’re more than worthwhile — they’re a bit of magic.