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Expect A Longer, More Detailed Quicksilver Scene In X-Men: Apocalypse, Says Evan Peters


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Prior to the launch of Days of Future Past, naysayers raised questions about the inclusion of Evan Peters’ Quicksilver, though after a meticulous, show-stopping scene featuring his kinetic mutant – one of the greatest and more memorable moments in a film chock-full of them – fans were immediately pining for more.

Indeed, once Bryan Singer’s 2014 blockbuster released on Blu-ray and behind-the-scenes footage was revealed, the sequence in question garnered a particular brand of admiration, and now, with X-Men: Apocalypse looming ever closer, speculation is rife about Quicksilver’s role in the sequel.


Specifically, ardent fans of all things X-Men are wondering if Fox and Singer will possibly be able to top the scene in question. While speaking to Collider, Peters confirmed that Quicksilver will flew his powers in “amazing” fashion, for a sequence that will be “longer and more detailed” than the one found in Days of Future Past. But is that really a good thing?

Regardless, here’s what the American Horror Story stalwart had to share:

“Yeah, Quicksilver does his thing again, in the new film. It’s bigger, longer and more detailed. I think it’s an amazing sequence that they’ve put together. Just filming it, I was like, “Oh, my god!” I think we shot for 22 days of second unit, working on the sequence, which is amazing. It’s so cool to take that much time to make something like that really pop and really work. Knock on wood, I think it’s going to be a fun and enjoyable sequence for people to watch, with Quicksilver running around and doing his thing in slow-mo time. I hope people like it.”

With Fox poised to unveil a trailer alongside Star Wars: The Force Awakens next month, we’ll at the very least see a fleeting glimpse of the sequence Peters’ refers too, and only then will we know if “longer and more detailed” will really benefit the elusive speedster.

X-Men: Apocalypse will make a dash for theaters on May 27, 2016.