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DC Fans Are Demanding Henry Cavill Star In A New Superman Movie

For a long time it looked as though Henry Cavill was going to earn a reputation as cinema's nearly man of the mid 2000s, having been considered for Bruce Wayne in Batman Begins and auditioned for Superman in J.J. Abrams' canceled Superman: Flyby, as well as making it to the final two contenders when James Bond was being recast for Casino Royale.


For a long time, it looked as though Henry Cavill was going to earn a reputation as cinema’s nearly man of the mid 2000s, having been considered for Bruce Wayne in Batman Begins and auditioned for Superman in J.J. Abrams’ canceled Superman: Flyby, as well as making it to the final two contenders when James Bond was being recast for Casino Royale.

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It may have taken a few years longer than initially planned, but Cavill eventually landed what had the makings of a career-defining role when he was finally cast as the Big Blue Boy Scout in Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel. And while the reboot might have earned $668 million at the box office and served as the launchpad for an entire shared superhero universe, there’s never seemed to be any real interest in a sequel.

The leading man was then shunted into the background of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice as Snyder focused his attention of the Dark Knight instead, and the theatrical release of Justice League reduced his involvement to a glorified cameo. There were even constant rumors that his time under the cape could be over before he’d even gotten a chance to really show what he could do.

The Witcher star did eventually sign a new deal with Warner Bros., but it reportedly only includes cameos in other projects, meaning that we might never see a genuine follow-up to Man of Steel. Fans clearly aren’t going to give up on the idea, though, and are once again calling for a new Superman movie, as you can see below.




The DCEU has six movies scheduled for release before the end of 2022, but there’s still no sign of a full-blown Superman sequel. Although, the Snyder Cut of Justice League promises to give Cavill a much more substantial arc the second time around.

Still, fans would obviously love to see a proper Man of Steel follow-up, but given that he’s held the role for almost a decade at this point, it might remain nothing more than wishful thinking.