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Fans theorize why a beloved mainstream horror hit is unloved by genre hardcores

A horror movie de-fanged so the mainstream would like it?

Fans theorize why a beloved mainstream horror hit is forgotten by genre hardcores
Photo via Paramount

Horror’s resurgence in the 2010s can be put down to new and original properties hitting cinemas, with franchise films being mostly ignored as a breath of fresh air went through Hollywood.

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Among those which took horror back in a mainstream, and blockbuster, position of the world was A Quiet Place. John Krasinski’s directorial debut was much-loved by critics and mainstream audiences, but remains a sore subject for more diehard fans of horror films.

With its excellent premise hinging entirely on “do not make a noise,” it’s currently seeing voices raised on Reddit as fans work out why hardcore horror fans just never got into it.

A Quiet Place’s position in the horror genre is perhaps tenuous once you really start looking at it, with it arguably more of a thriller than outright horror. Krasinski himself is noted as saying he was never a fan of horror until he made one, and it’s one which is definitely not as bloody as the usuals. Some commenters called it a de-fanged version of horror, made to allow for mainstream interest.

There are still definitely some really horrific moments in the film, with it having a level of incredulity to its main characters surviving or going through truly terrifying situations. Of particular note is the silent childbirth scene at the end of the film which feels like it could be right out of a David Cronenberg movie.

Perhaps, like one commenter pointed out, it’s a crossover point similar to Jurassic Park or even some aspects of the Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies. Terror is instilled in both of those movies with visuals straight out of horror, but again, de-fanged. Regardless of A Quiet Place’s horror status, it’s worth noting how well-made the film is.

A Quiet Place’s overall reception critically is worth noting, with a 96 percent approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes; putting it ahead of other 2018 horror films like Hereditary, Annihilation, and Halloween.

The success of the film is still being felt, with further sequels and spin-offs coming out of Krasinski’s original film. A Quiet Place is available to stream on Paramount Plus.