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‘Fantastic Four’ star open to being Marvel’s Nova or DC’s Green Lantern

Fool us once, shame on you...

fantastic four
Image via 20th Century Fox

Just because you’ve starred in one of the worst comic book adaptations in history, it doesn’t mean your chances of finding fame and fortune in the superhero genre are over good. Just ask Michael B. Jordan, who played the Human Torch in Josh Trank’s abhorrent Fantastic Four reboot, before going on to become one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s best-ever villains in Black Panther.

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Miles Teller took top billing in the worst-reviewed Marvel Comics blockbuster ever made, but he’s since rebuilt and rehabilitated his reputation, most recently as the disarmingly alluring Rooster in Top Gun: Maverick. The actor has admitted in the past that he’s not against the idea of suiting up again, but in an interview with ComicBook, the 35 year-old addressed speculation surrounding Marvel’s Nova and DC’s Green Lantern specifically.

“I haven’t heard any of those rumblings yet but I’m sure if they get loud enough, then I will hear. Yeah, for sure [I’d be down]. I love the fanbase. I love the Marvel and DC fanbases and I love those movies as an audience member and it seems they’ve taken these characters more and more seriously because the fans deserve it. There’s nothing cheap about those characters and if the right thing came along I’d be open to it for sure.”

Green Lantern might be off the table given the HBO Max series that remains in development, but Nova is on his way to the MCU in the not-too-distant future, possibly as the star of a Disney Plus series. At this rate, everyone’s going to get their shot at the saga eventually, so don’t rule Teller out.