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Justin Benson And Aaron Moorhead Reveal The Movie Creatures That Influenced Spring

Spring filmmakers Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead detail their favorite creature effects, and how they influenced their work on Spring.


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“Creepy natural thing #1.”

The Xenomorph is the theoretical design backbone of our Louise. Utilizing nature-based creature design, should, in theory, deliver a greater creeped-the-fuck-out psychological gut punch to the audience. In the Xenomorph’s case, it is parasitic imagery. In Spring, you’ll have to watch to discover, but we promise it’s “natural.”

Editor’s Note: If Spring is “natural,” then I think I’ve been dating the wrong girls.

The Fly


“Translated into other languages, the film’s title reads La Mouche. Sounds like a cute kids movie, right? Wrong.”

Cronenberg’s The Fly is a harsh movie. Seriously, it’s frickin’ dark. It is also one of the greatest modern day examples of a monster who represents very real and scary aspects of being human. While some say Seth Brundle’s condition is a metaphor for the 80’s AIDS epidemic, Cronenberg has only gone on record stating that the intended representation is that of aging and disease in general.

Our Louise in Spring has her own greater monster-as-representing-human implications, and thank you Master Cronenberg for the inspiration, even though we’ll remember watching The Fly as young children, being like, “Why am I so bummed out by this?”

Editor’s Note: Spring is not as dark as The Fly, but also features an unfortunate lack of Jeff Goldblum.